Monday, April 27, 2015

Information connects with Information

Lu 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

Mt 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

As you read through the Bible this year do you sometimes have difficulty connecting the information to something you already know? Welcome, so do I at times.  I have a difficult time pronouncing the names of people especially those found in the Old Testament. Do you? If I don’t make small cards or say them each day, I lose the sound of the unfamiliar name. Familiar names, to me, are Tom, Jerry, Susie and Jane. You get the picture! It’s good for us to struggle as we read because we can be reminded just how difficult it is for others, especially children and adults with learning disabilities.

Do you remember when you first learned to read? If you do, you are doing better than I am.  Children who learn to read early have the opportunity to gain information which could connect to more information which keeps connecting throughout life. Parents who teach their children to read the Bible early will benefit the most as they grow older simply because the Words of God are entering the brain, if you please, and forming a foundation for all truth. Don’t hesitate to give this Word of God to children and don’t be fooled by thinking they cannot understand. Children understand more than we give them credit for……take a look at their electronic games, their computers, their phones!  They hold complicated little instruments that drive us older people looney! Who is teaching who?   

May I ask you, “Why would a parent not give this Word of God to their children?” Did you know one of the best and most productive ways of teaching a child to read is by using the perfect Word of God?

Joh 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

A child learns that Jesus is the Word and has always been the beginning of everything. Children love to know where and how something came about. It is security to them. They can grab it and take it with them. Just this week a mother posted that her autistic child quoted scripture while waiting for his orthodontist appointment. He was to have surgery and this Word of God was his comfort. Mom and Dad had given him God’s Word, and it became life, comfort and peace as his mind thought on the events to follow. He kept saying the verses out loud. How many times have you done the same thing when faced fear head on?

Ge 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Again, a child loves knowing that everything has a beginning and that he was part of God’s creation. I love hearing our 3 and 4 year olds sound out this Word of God and then at the end of the day, I get to hear them quote scripture as they leave their classroom for dismissal.  Some teachers have their children stand, quote their verses right before asking God to bless the food at lunch.

Children will not forget this Word of God and as more is taught them and intertwined into their daily routine of life, information begins to build and connect with more information concerning them and connecting them to God. To withhold this Word of God from our children is sin. Starting early before they are born is best. Reading to them while they rest in the womb reaps great benefits later while they are growing into mature Christians.

Just because a child scores high on his verbal and math skills on the SAT doesn’t make them smart in life skills. Teach them both and as they learn that information, God can take it to connect to more information thus preparing that child for ministry.

Jesus knew us before we were born. He has tried over and over to get this Word of God to us not only to learn more about Him, but for Him to be a great comfort to us! We question God, just like our children question us. His answers to us are pure and perfect. As we listen to Him, information builds and the more we use that information to honor and glorify Him, the more information we gain. We never arrive, folks, because there is so much to learn about God.

Information connects to information!

Have you noticed that you don’t have to teach a child to lie, steal or disobey authority? But you do have to teach them why it is wrong to lie, steal and disobey authority. “Just because I said so” should be enough sometimes as children learn to obey, but adding this Word of God gives it credence.  
Now, back up and become the child. Do you at times have trouble with being honest? Maybe you’ve gotten into a bad habit of stretching the truth? Do you have trouble getting along with certain people? Are you lazy and do you procrastinate? Do you have trouble getting up on time each day, opening your Bible and saying “Hello” to your Creator and Lover of your soul? No one had to teach you, did they? But God through His Word can enter your mind and information of Him connects with more information of Him and the process of change begins…….. to be more like Him!

Don’t leave your children and grandchildren behind as you journey with us in getting to know God better.  They must be taught, and so do we. We are ever learning creatures and this mind God gave us could be snatched away at any moment!

Until next time, Lord willing...


1 comment:

  1. This is excellent!
    I remember when you sent them those Bibles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
