Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fill Out Your Report Card

Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

2Co 6:4-6 But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,

Every nine weeks we issue Report Cards by way of myschoolworx. We decided to join the technological world and take the plunge. I resisted having the old move out and the new move in but I was out voted somewhat and joined the madness!  We call it progress but I call it a “nightmare in progress” because anything that can go wrong will go wrong. We depend on a computer program to add, delete, average and publish grades previously posted to the program AND then make it available to our parents. Parents like it, and since I’m part of this Administration, I like it……I think! Before the grades are published I have to go in and make sure my teachers have done their homework by posting enough grades whether homework, tests, and/or quizzes. If there are any gaps in grades, I’m on a dead run to find out why BEFORE Report Card day. It isn’t as bad as it sounds and actually, I’ve grown to like this new program more than I did at the beginning. 

How is your Homework? Is it time for a quarterly checkup and to ask yourself, “Am I studying more than ever? Am I getting to know God more, or am I spending time learning other things besides God? Are there any gaps for the week? Am I doing more for God or more for myself? Do I crawl out of my comfort zone, or do I labor to stay all safe and snug? Are you growing in Christ or are you in a rut?”

As a senior at North Marion High School I was challenged to play a part in our senior play of an inebriated woman. We were a unique group of young people and desired to leave a lasting impression as the first graduating class of the new North Marion High School. So, we wrote our own senior play. I didn’t relish the thought of everyone remembering me as a drunk when in reality I was known as a Christian just playing the part of a drunk. That was over 50 years ago!

Una, my intoxicated lady’s name, was quite the character. Our English teacher, Mr. Emory, bragged on my personality which he called as “split.”  
“Sharon, you have a split personality and this part should be easy for you, but you’re having trouble staying drunk! You are a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and right now I need you to play the part!” Oh really? Which one? Hmmmnnn….I didn’t know if I liked that observation of my Christian self. Would you?  I laugh now, as I struggled to act the part of a mortared mom and to be honest, I suppose I succeeded because we were a hit on opening night! Whatever that means! 

In reality, we ARE two people in one body each fighting against the other; the flesh and the Spirit. The one we practice and feed the most will become the one most active. The one most revealed can be a grand performance for the flesh or for the Spirit, depending on what and who is important in your life. Isn't that basically what you have been taught all your Christian life?

Reading God’s Word and then connecting it to our minds to make application can be very rewarding but it takes work, practice and time. If you are discouraged in your Bible reading or feel overwhelmed in trying to stay up with the plan, take a few moments and fill out your Report Card. 

Consider the following:
1.       Am I just reading words or am I hearing Words from God? Look for God’s bidding and check it out. Open the door and step into His abode. Take the Words and walk the part.
2.       Do I read first, before other readings and/or chores? This interference is all Satan needs to cause a small detour in your road trip with us.
3.       Do I give time to other things before God’s Word? Set a time. Give yourself time to be faithful. Don’t beat yourself up by posting an “F” but get back on track.
4.       Am I including too many verses? Maybe, you need to cut your reading in half. Set a goal, either way. Keep it before you. Try memorizing one small scripture a day. Place it in your mind and learn the part! Become the Spiritual truth of that scripture. It is fun!
5.       Are you reading at night or the morning? You may want to switch it out if you are having difficulty with the time. I can’t wait until night, but I am not you. I push hard all day at my school and when I get home, I switch gears for my family and need time to relax. But…..again, I am not you. Try something different if needed but don’t give in or give up. Practice!
6.       Are you reading the right kind of Bible? How is your translation, your version? Unless you read Greek and Hebrew, then you are like me and we need the right version of the scriptures. Don’t get caught up in confusion. Make sure of your version and don’t just believe someone’s word on God’s Word. It is too important, folks. 

So, how are you doing? May Sheri and I pray for you as you pray for us?

Until next time, Lord willing...


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