Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Let's Go Walk on the Water!

Mt 14:27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
Mt 14:28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
Mt 14:29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

Have you ever been in a tight? Some would call it a “tight place” and you didn't know if you should  go to the left, or to the right or take off and run. Fear is a terrible feeling and if not conquered it will lead to more confusion which can do even more damage.  Peter was in the boat and like the others with him, scared out of his skin and I am thinking that their fear was more of seeing a spirit like image in a distance than the actual storm. They saw a man walking on the water. The only time I saw someone walk on the water was in a dream. I see all kinds of things in my dreams and maybe you do too, but NEVER have I seen a human walking on water.

Where are you today?  Are you in the boat and the waves are now so high, you don't know what to do?  Everything depends on the next step you take.

In this passage we have an awesome example of taking advantage of the moment by trusting Jesus Christ, totally, as we discard all doubt and relinquish our way.  Maybe in the past as you faced fear  you eventually got on board, confessed yourself to God, and jumped back on the ship of faith but why not go one step more this next time. For once, just walk on the water of faith!   You know, Peter had great faith that night but at the same time he was known to be a man all over the board, wouldn’t you agree? One minute according to the scriptures, he ran, the next minute he sat down. One minute he spoke bravely, but the next minute he denies Christ.  BUT……..AND…….at a most crucial moment in history, Peter takes advantage of an instant, probably a few seconds, to make that quick decision using what faith he possessed to reach out to God and even as He reached out he admitted his own doubt. “Lord, if it be thou….” 

Have you been there? I have!  How many times I have said, “Lord IF this is of you, then do blah, blah, blah........" Are there spirits out there who can cause such defiance of the elements? Yes! I’m not sure how Peter felt or what he believed at that moment but one minute he was afraid and then he was not afraid (at least for a few seconds) and he did question the Savior as Jesus said, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” In a moment there goes Peter, right on the water defying gravity and all other elements. I love it!

Webster's 1828 Dictionary
GRAV'ITY, n. L. gravitas, from gravis, heavy.
1. Weight; heaviness.
2. In philosophy, that force by which bodies tend or are pressed or drawn towards the center of the earth, or towards some other center, or the effect of that force; in which last sense gravity is synonymous with weight.

We are so smart to be so dumb! I am thankful there are intelligent people who through research and science have made my life easier as a woman, but friend, the fact remains, “Peter WALKED on the water!” He took advantage of the moment of super faith!!! I get so encouraged when I read this account. God gave it to us, and we can know Him so much better by accepting the fact that He STILL CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!

May I ask you, “What are you willing to do today, to take advantage of the moment that will be totally gone….forever? Oh me, my prayer today is that I exercise my Faith in Him, and not in science, not in the elements and certainly NOT in this world’s system of debauchery!
Take advantage of the moment as God fills you with His power to do the impossible. Could we possibly walk on water? Get to know Him. He needs you to need Him!

What do I know about God? He bids me "to come" and that means to totally trust Him as I step towards Him, even if He is walking on the water.
Until next time, Lord willing…


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