Psalms 91:1-4 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Do you remember mom blogging about, "Same time, Same place, Same Bible"? How have you fared in that respect this year so far? Are you meeting up with the Lord, just the two of you, and indulging in the Word and prayer? I hope so, but if not, you can always hit the reset button today and begin enjoying Him again.
I have a friend, a daughter in Christ, that is going through a trial here in Brazil. Much of it is because of her own wrong decisions. I warned her of the path she was deciding about before she stepped the first foot in the wrong direction, but it wasn't enough. The flesh spoke louder and now there are some serious consequences to be had. Is she still saved? Yes. Does God still love her? Yes. Will God forgive her? He already did. Is there pain to be felt? Unfortunately, yes. And it all could have been avoided.
I am finding that so many of us only seek God after the fact. When things are going good and the pleasures of sin for a season are abundant, we don't really care if God wants to protect us or shield us. We only seek that shelter once the calamities come from our sin and wrong choices. We expect God to keep His promises (which He will) and we want immediate comfort in trial. But where was our head and heart when we willingly participated in those acts that brought the trial on our lives?
In Psalms 91, the Bible says God's truth will be our shield. His faithfulness and His righteousness will protect us. Jesus says in John 17 that God's Word is truth. We also know that John 14 tells us that Jesus is the Truth. So, if we want protection in the day the devil comes along or we are faced with unseen trials, we need to surround ourselves with Truth.
Yes, I know I am beating the same old drum and you want me to write about something else that is more interesting, but I am seeing too many wasted lives and heartaches among friends for me to stay quiet about the subject of reading the Word. It is our main focus for this entire project! Read the Word. Wrap yourself in it because it is a shield and buckler. Jesus can protect you in the worst moments of temptation before you decide to either take His way of escape or, like my Brazilian friend, head down the wrong path. The path was fun for the 15 minutes it lasted, but now, oh what heartache.
So, simply put, read God's Word. Do you need a new plan? I have one you can use. I have been using it for over 10 years. It keeps me on track and keeps me focused. If you want it, I will share it with you or mom can mail you a copy. I want the shield in my life. I NEED the shield in my life. The devil is ALWAYS after me. I fight him every single day and when my mind and heart are tired and sad, I need to be able to recall those Scriptures in order to hide behind the Word, my shield. I want that for every one of us, so let's read and encourage others to read God's Word.
I am going to keep beating this drum, so you might as well tap your foot to the beat and join me! Ha.
Until next time, Lord willing,
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