Friday, October 30, 2015

Get Your Feet Moving!

Have you ever been made fun of for being a Christian while passing out tracts or speaking to someone about their soul? If you haven’t, then you probably haven’t been doing the work of the Lord for very long. It will happen, eventually. I’m afraid we are approaching the time of the end even here in America where we will witness believers killed for their faith, even today! You and I must pray for spiritual leadership in our United States of America as we suffer more and more persecution.

An elderly lady maybe in her late 80s answered our knock at her door.

“Hi, my name is Sharon Loyd and I’m from Southside Baptist Church right here in Gainesville and I wanted to know if you have a church close by that you are attending?”

Before I could finish the words, this woman started yelling something like, “I’ll have you to know I’m a member of so and so church and it is none of your business what I do!” Then, she slammed the door so hard, I was afraid it was going to come right through and hit us!!  Some of the Blue Angels Volleyball team looked at me and all I could do was put on my fearful smile (oxymoron) and act like I was ok, but deep down I was disturbed by the rudeness of this woman. I don't think she even understood that she answered me anyway.

May I ask you, “Do you lean toward someone who is interested in your soul or the souls of others, or do you slam the door of your heart?”

I then began using this time as a teaching moment to the girls. “Sometimes, people will not listen to your witness, but that doesn’t mean you should stop. The enemy is relentless! If he thought he could tempt Jesus and cause Him to sin, than what in the world does he think he can do with you! Never give up! Just keep on and go to another door. You never know WHO will answer!

Ac 14:19 ¶ And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.
Ac 14:20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
Ac 14:21 And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch,

Paul was stoned for preaching Jesus and now here in our America, we see Christians persecuted for their belief in Christ and His Holy Word but friend, all this should make us stronger in the Lord. Don’t pick up your robe and tuck it under for a fast break down the court of life. NO! Be strong in Christ and get up after being knocked down. Poor Paul was stoned to the point they thought he was dead, but look at verse 20. While they were standing in disbelief, Paul gets up and keeps trucking. Not only did he keep on, he went back and was probably ready for another stoning! Praise the Lord, as many were taught, more were saved. No, my friend, please do not stop witnessing. I see so many churches closing their doors and actually not even meeting like they used to. No! Double up, do more!

My feet have never been the prettiest part of my body but you know what? According to the following scripture, my feet and yours too, can be just BEAUTIFUL! Makes me smile!

Isa 52:7 ¶ How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

We have a choice, folks, as we “get to know Him better” and that is...... get your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace OR choose to run from Him to evil which takes you to worse like the shedding of blood, or running to mischief. I don’t know about you, but I don’t need any help in staying in trouble.

Pr 1:16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
Pr 6:18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

Ps 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

Isn’t that just wonderful? Give those feet to Jesus even if they are ugly, calloused, and like mine just too big, and look at what God can do! He sets them firm right behind Him as He guides us to the next witness, even to a door that may be slammed in your face or to a city where you might just be stoned! My volleyball team kept on witnessing that day and before the summer ended, we had led over 30 people to Christ. Praise the Lord! Get YOUR feet moving!

Until next time, Lord willing.

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