Monday, May 4, 2015

What scales are you using?

1 Timothy 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

This morning I stepped on the scales at my mom's house to see if all the junk I have eaten this week while traveling had affected my weight.  As I looked down I was surprised that I had lost 5 more pounds!  Wow!  Man, I was so excited, but then I wondered if they were right!  There was no way I have eaten like a hog the last week and lost weight!  So, I asked my mom for her other scales.  I stepped on and weighed once again.  These scales, which were much more accurate, showed I had not LOST 5lbs, but rather GAINED 5lbs.  It is a sad morning for hoo.

What scales are you weighing your spiritual life on today?  Are you lining up with God's Word, or are you gathering books that have a feel good Christianity to them so you can appear better than what God says you are?  Scary where we get led off to in our lives if we aren't careful isn't it?

God used Paul to give some instruction to Timothy that we can all follow.  He said that prayer was a good and acceptable thing to God our Saviour.  If God our Saviour is our balance and where we weigh ourselves spiritually, we can know for a fact we are weighing in at a good place if we are praying.

Prayer isn't something we understand completely.  Only God knows what takes place when we get on our knees or bow our heads and call out to Him.  But we trust in the knowledge that He listens and answers.  I touched on this topic last week, but I want to be clear that we are not to be measuring our prayer life against what someone else does, but against God's Word.  He says to come to Him and He instructs us that it is pleasing to Him when we pray.  So, if I am neglecting this aspect, I am not totally pleasing God with my life am I?

Call on Him today.  Talk to Him about your day, your life, your choices.  Beg Him for the people who have asked you to pray.  Ask Him to heal relationships, break chains of bondage and provide physical help where needed.  How can we get to know Him better if we don't, in fact, TALK to Him?  Look for our prayer group on Facebook called "Let's Talk to Him".  We have a small group there praying for each other every day.  Join us!

Pray today.

Until next time, Lord willing,

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