Sunday, January 18, 2015

Same Time, Same Place, Same Bible.


Ps 119:89  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
1Pe 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. 
Ps 143:8 Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
While talking to a dear friend who was struggling in an area of her life, I asked her this question, “How is it with you and God each day?  Tell me about your devotions.”  She replied, “Well, my husband and I read the Bible together.  We are in the Old Testament and she named the book and then continued to share with me the most beautiful time each morning where this couple met God and shared the Word as one. Then I asked her some more questions, realizing that this dear friend may not have a one on one personal time with God, just the two of them.  She loved to pray and write down her prayer requests but most of the time even that prayer time was led by her husband. She really didn’t have an alone time. She admitted that she had tried to read by herself but for many reasons became discouraged as she gave an ear to the enemy. Her alone time with God became “just her talking” to Him.
I asked her this question, “What color are your husband’s eyes?”
“Blue, of course!”
“Do you know his favorite food?”  She was beginning to feel uncomfortable but replied, “Now, Sharon, you know I do.” I continued with, “Ok, how much time do you spend with him each day?” Now she was getting it. “Sounds like you have a really good relationship with your husband but you are missing a great blessing by not having an alone time, yourself, you know…..just you and God.”
She agreed and as we smiled at each other she admitted, “I pray but I don’t give God time to talk, do I?” I shook my head in agreement and explained to her that if she talked all the time to her husband and didn’t give him time to respond, he probably wouldn’t be as patient with her as God had been all these years. It was good for us to laugh together about this as I saw my dear friend understand that she had a responsibility to meet God, alone, each day. Our God is a longsuffering Heavenly Father!
She needed a plan for her walk with God. How are you doing?
I have shared the following plan with countless number of friends and it will help you IF you need a kick in your step or a kick somewhere else! 
1.   Same Place:  Choose a place of least resistance for interruptions. I love our back porch. We live in the country and I am blessed with birds, squirrels, and sometimes with a coyote but always with God. Maybe you have to lock yourself up in the bathroom because of so many children in the house. Just look around your home and ask God to help you see a “Place” to meet Him every day.  As I grew up reading the Bible, especially as a teen, I had to slip down to the Anthony cemetery. There were so many children in our home back then, I had no quiet spot. My parents were not Christians at the time and didn't understand the need for private devotions. The cemetery worked for me. I know it sounds morbid but at least I didn't have to worry about someone bothering me. Same Place. Do you have it?
2.  Same Time:  Choose a time, same time, every day if at all possible. My time is 5:00 am and sometimes sooner depending on my schedule for that day. I realize you may not have that privilege. No one is grading your time either. Remember that! You are in control of your time, now choose it. Some women like the evening. I can't wait until then because my body is worn out. The day has ended and I have to have that fresh walk with God, early. BUT, maybe your work schedule fluctuates. Remember, God doesn't sleep! Look at YOUR time and ask God to help you choose His time to speak to you through His Word.  Same Time!  Have you picked your time? 
3.  Same Bible:  Use the same Bible for your devotions; your personal walk with God. Keep a journal with your Bible and be ready to write down what He tells you, personally, just for you. I like the ones with a spiral and small. Hobby Lobby sells them for $2.99!  I have kept journals for years now. Writing is therapy for me and a way to express myself to God and Him to me. Some people like their computers and have the Bible downloaded on it. That's their choice. I like to hold God's Word in my hand, underlining passages that jump out at me. My Bible is very personal to me. The color, the smell, the's just personal, folks. It is life and death to me. As I read, I like to write down “stuff” in the margins of my Bible and date it. That way as I finish the Bible for the year, I am reminded of God’s goodness and His answers to prayer the next year while reading the same passage. It’s new every morning, friend and needed like that first glass of water or cup of coffee in the morning.  I need to hear God ALL THE TIME!  Same Bible! Do you have a good ole' King James Version? 
Join me Wednesday, Lord willing, for more of “Same Place, Same Time, Same Bible” as we look at Bible Reading Plans and sort out a few problems others may encounter while taking this Road Trip to Knowing God! 


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