Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I Just Want to be With God, Alone.

Bowing my head, I asked God, “Well, how do you want me to answer this person? What can I say from you that will help and not hinder?”

Sometimes you and I find ourselves with no answer for the moment because frankly, we may not need an answer right then, but may need to just need God.  What does it mean to need God, only Him and nothing else? Think about it. Most of our needs are tangible needs. We need more money, more food, obedient children, better relationships with people, a bigger house, a smaller house, a new car, a faster internet, a new phone, a new tablet, a bigger yard, more trees, no trees, a front porch, a back porch, carpet, no carpet, wooden floors, ceiling fans, no ceiling fans, a home closer to work, a home farther away from work, new shoes, high heels, no high heels but flats, manicure, pedicure, new Bible, smaller desk, larger desk, etc. …..you do have the picture, don’t you? But then, we have those emotional and spiritual needs don’t we, but all the while God needs us to need Him.

Brother Mike Pelletier was our Evangelist this past week and he made a statement that will be a milestone in my life. He said he wanted to be “with” God and that was all….just to be with Him.  That has stuck in my brain.

Terry and I met in high school while I was a freshman and he a sophomore.  We wanted to be together just to talk; to share with one another our day, the next football game, church services, our families, our friends, our next date, and so many other things were out there that we needed to share with each other.  We were learning about one another. It was fun getting to know Terry. I remember not being able to eat around him and when I saw him in the hall at school, I would get so nervous. I wanted everything perfect ALL THE TIME, but you know what, “I am not perfect,” and neither is he. The more I learned about him, the more imperfection I saw but it didn’t matter. I just wanted to be with him.

Learning about God opens doors to learning about yourself, wouldn’t you agree? The more I learn about God, the more I want to be like Him. In His Book, the Holy Bible, He gives us the life changing recipe for doing exactly that! Sometimes we put the wrong ingredients in and the whole mess turns out to be rotten, like Sheri has made reference to her chocolate cake in a recent blog. We can’t mix the world’s way with God’s way. We can’t answer people using God's Word if all we read is the world’s word. There may be good information out there but when it conflicts with God’s Word, the advice will cause a rotten stench that will only bring death to the Christian’s influence and maybe to his own life. Be careful mixing the world’s way when it is in direct conflict with God’s Word. How do we learn what is acceptable and not? We have to get to know Him and that will take being WITH Him.

God supplies our every need. Say it to yourself. “My God shall supply my EVERY need.” In order to receive that supply, we MUST receive Him first and I don’t mean salvation. I am talking about welcoming Him in our circle of life, every breath, every moment of every day! Think about wanting to be “with” Him for no other reason but to be “with” Him. Does that make sense? It sure does to me, hard headed as I am at times. When you are with someone really communicating with that person, there is harmony, a sound of music that no one can take away. Christians, we are missing the most important ingredient to a life changing devotion:  being “with” God alone. No talk. No sound. Just complete harmony and dedication in the time with Him.

I put the packet of information on the handle of the screen door but noticed the top half of the window was opened. I heard someone inside and knocked. A gentleman came to the door and asked my daughter and me what we wanted.

“We are just out and about passing out information about our church. We do this a couple of times a month,” I cheerfully answered. He just stared at me and I asked him if he had a church he attended in town and he assured me that he did but seemed interested in our little adventurous mission of that Saturday morning. More conversation was exchanged and then I said, “You know, people all over this neighborhood have needs. They need the Lord, sir.”  He responded with, “I’m glad people still do this sort of thing.” He then smiled and said, “Thank you. You have made my day!” I turned around to my daughter and we walked off knowing that this man needed God, desperately needed God, alone.  My cue from the Holy Spirit was to turn and leave and He would take care of the rest. In the packet was the Word of God with a tract and information about our church. God would do the rest. I completely trusted in the Lord at that moment. Why do we make things so difficult? Why do we need everything else rather than Him who knows us MORE than we can ever know Him?

Ps 139:1-5 ¶ To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. 

God has always wanted us to be "WITH" Him, FOREVER, and has a made a way for that to be possible, only through Jesus Christ.Why would you say, "No!" to a living, loving God who knew you before you were ever born? Don't say "No" to Him. Say "YES" and get started with the best journey of your entire life now and walk into Heaven to see the one who died for you!!!

Until then, Lord willing.

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