Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Do you think on His Name?

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

If you are like me, you are shocked at the use of God’s name in swearing these days.  It seems that His Holy name has become a favorite curse word in the world.  I remember as a child if someone were to use Jesus’ name in a derogatory manner, those who heard it (saved or not) would suck in their breath and raise their eyebrows at the person who had said it.  Now it appears to be common place.  This just makes me so sad.

Mom and I have time and again written in this blog on the importance that should be placed on God’s Word and the reading and preaching of It.  My Dad, Mom, sister and I have spent literally hours in our lifetime talking about God.  Dad and Mom had us meet at the table when we were young and Dad would read the Scripture and we would pray before we ever headed out for the day.  My parents made sure to speak often to Stephanie and me about the Lord.  I believe God was pleased with their actions as parents.  Stephanie and I both have a healthy fear of God in our personal lives as middle aged women today because of the things our parents taught us at the dining room table.  We “think” on God and His name because of correct teaching.

In 1 Corinthians 15:33 the Bible says, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”  I have a friend in West Virginia that says, “Garbage in, Garbage out”.  She means if what we listen to, pay attention to and value is garbage, then that is what is going to come out of our lives and our mouths.  And God says that evil communications corrupt good manners, so if we want to be a good, shiny light for the Lord, we need to make sure what is going on in our thought life is about GOD so that is what comes out in our lives!

How are your children ever going to learn to think about God if your life is lived in contrary to His teachings?  How is your marriage ever going to thrive if your thoughts and actions are not based on God’s Word?  It always comes back to the Word, you know that right? 

I enjoy talking about God and thinking on His Name.  Sometimes I cry when I do because I look at my failures and wish I could go back in time and correct them, but then He whispers to me “Where sin DID abound, grace DID MUCH MORE abound” and I cry different tears of thankfulness and not regret.  He is so good when you take the time to think on His name and His person.

Pick one character trait of God today and just think on It.  Maybe you will think on God your Provider or God your Father or God your King.  Just choose one and let God hear your thoughts dwelling on Him today instead of anything else that doesn’t even hold a candle to Him!
Until next time, Lord willing,



  1. Always so good to read your posts .. Thanks... Meditating on God's name today

  2. Always so good to read your posts .. Thanks... Meditating on God's name today

  3. Thank you for the encouragement. We love you guys.

  4. Thank you so much for this devotional. I love all of the them, but this one touched my heart so much. Our bodies are what we feed it, (and I am not so good at the healthy food and I show it lol) and our mind is also what we feed it. I am much better at the spiritual food than the physical food. You and your mom bring God's word to life for me and cause me to think about things. You are a blessing!! Keep up the good work. Meet you in heaven one day!! Ps. 40:1-4
