Friday, October 9, 2015

Do you trust God?

Psalms 108:12-13 Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

As I studied this Psalm, I learned that it is a mesh of two previous Psalms.  Psalms 57 and Psalms 60.  That just makes me smile as I see right before my eyes that God’s Word constantly reaffirms itself in the lives of those who He used to write It.  God’s Word has power, a super natural power that we ought to take hold of and let benefit our spiritual day to day lives!

The title of this post is “Do you trust God”.  That covers a whole lot doesn’t it?  It ranges from where you will spend eternity to whether or not you believe He will meet your needs today and put food on your table.  Do you (insert your name) really trust God?

I have a prayer page on Facebook called “Let’s talk to Him” where many women pray and give requests on there that I pray for daily.  But after we share with each other our burdens and pray, in the end, the problem and the solving of that problem remain in the hands of God and God alone.  Man’s help is temporary and the Bible says, vain.  But it is through GOD that we shall do valiantly, so we pray BELIEVING and TRUSTING that our God will hear and help.

Our family has had it’s share of ups and downs this past month.  Lord only knows.  And this past week it seems we could not catch a break if our lives depended on it.  I am not kidding.  It has taken all my mental effort to keep focused on the tasks at hand without crumbling in a heap on the ground.  So, to top it all off the power goes out….for two whole days.  Laundry was already piling up because of water problems (our water comes from a mountain spring several kilometers from here and cows are constantly breaking the lines) so we get the water fixed only to have the electric go out and not be able to run the machines.  One step forward, two steps back.  Well, finally after cleaning up from lunch, I plugged my phone in the car to charge, boiled some water for a pot of coffee and heated a large pan of water so I could take a bath. As I stood in the shower dumping that hot water over my hair and felt like screaming to the top of my lungs “I HATE BRAZIL!!!!!”  I didn’t scream out loud, but I sure did on the inside.  I got out, put on my purple owl pajamas and sat on my bed with a cup of hot coffee in hand.  It was storming outside so I decided I would just escape into a book and hang the world!  I had retrieved my phone from the car and put it in the only window sill in the house where we get phone signal.  I was desperate to hear from my two college kids, so I was hoping to hear the “ding” of a text message.  I read several chapters of my book and drained my coffee cup and “DING” went my phone.  It wasn’t my children however.  It was a brother from Chicago who is a youth pastor in one of our supporting churches.  He was just letting me know that God had laid me on his heart and he was praying for us.  Thirty minutes later, the power came back on.

Once again, I am reminded that it is by GOD that things happen.  Yes, Bro. Brett prayed, but it was because God urged him to do so.  I love it that Bro. Brett was willing to lift my name to the One Who could help!  I can trust GOD! 

What “trouble” do you have knocking on your door?  Is it discouragement?  Is it grief?  Is it cancer like my friend Mrs. Chris?  Whatever the “trouble” is, Trust God.  It is by Him that something will happen and it will be for HIS glory.  We can quote Romans 8:28, but it sure is better to just go ahead and believe it as well.

Do you trust God?  If so, then your trust is well placed and you will do valiantly!  You will jump that hurdle and you will proceed in life like HE wants you to proceed. 

Until next time, Lord willing,


1 comment:

  1. love you, Sheri and your honesty -- Praise the Lord! we can trust in such a good God
