Thursday, October 29, 2015

God is paying attention to the details

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

One day I was checking my children’s clothing before going to church and as I looked over one of them I saw a bleach spot on their shirt.  When I pointed it out I was told, “It doesn’t matter, and no one will see it.”  To which I promptly replied, “I saw it”.  The outfit was changed and I brought this child to my side and taught a lesson on why details matter.

A detail ignored can be disastrous.  It was only a few years ago that a train derailed in Connecticut because of less than an inch difference on the train rails.  Someone had inspected that rail just two days prior to the accident.  I wonder had sufficient action been taken because of this small detail, would the accident have happened.

We see through the Bible over and over that God likes order.  He was specific in His commands to Adam and Eve about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  He was specific in the design of the ark.  He detailed the entire Tabernacle design down to the clothes the priest would wear. Jesus was specific about where to find the foal of the donkey He would ride into Jerusalem.  God is specific about the end times.  He cannot change, so I must acknowledge that my God is a God of order and detail.  He tells us in I Corinthians 14:40 about everything being done decently and in order.....would He tell us to do something He Himself does not do?  

God is paying attention to your life, and if He is a God of details, then why do you doubt His ability to resolve the problems in your life?  Don’t you think He has seen the stack of bills on your counter?  Don’t you think He knows your pay check won’t cover them all?  Don’t you think He knew when your husband lost his job that the bills would begin piling up?  God knows about all of it, and He has said that ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love Him.  No, that may not be much consolation when you try and explain it to the creditors who harass you on the phone, but it doesn’t make it any less true.  God has a plan, a detailed plan.  And guess what?  Even if you were unwise in your spending, God can still help you.  He will show you what to do, so stop trying to fix it by yourself because you will probably end up making a bigger mess anyway.

Listen, each of us has our loads.  Some of us are on the mountain top, some of us are in the valley, but God is in both places with ALL of us.  He doesn’t get confused as to who is whom and He knows my name goes with me and your name goes with you.  He doesn’t need a personal assistant to help Him figure out all our problems.  All you and I have to do is trust Him with the details, then listen to and obey Him when He shows us what to do.

God is a God of details.  Follow His order and plan.  Get your heart detailed out every day by confessing your sins and coming clean with Him and then let HIM guide you through every little thing during the day. 

Until next time, Lord willing,


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