Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Truth and Righteousness

Ephesians 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

All of us pick out our clothes for church and work.  We stand in front of our closet and stare at our clothes, sometimes with angst because we have grown to hate it all, but eventually we choose something to wear.  We never put our shoes on before we get dressed, or our jewelry.  We have an order right?  It is the same exact way with the armor we should be dressing in each day as Christians.  Let's take a look at it from a practical perspective.

Probably all of us have taught a lesson on the subject of "The Whole Armor" in Sunday School or Bible Class.  We have held VBS and Conferences around the same theme too, haven't we?  But if you are like me, it is a thought that can fade into the background in the busy day to day of life.  Not just ministry, but life itself.  And therein lies the crux.  We need the armor for the busy day to day of life!  Especially if we are commanded to earnestly contend for the faith. 

In the back leaf of my Bible I have the parts of the whole armor written out and what they mean so I can remember to be mindful of them.  And as I studied them again recently, I saw where I had been lax in putting some of them on.  This is so dangerous.  I wasn't remembering who the enemy is!

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We are told in the verses prior to the armor that our enemy isn't one that we see.  And we don't know when the moment of his attack will take place, so we must always be prepared.  You and I are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, Sunday School teachers, helpers in the ministry, prayer warriors, and women who just want to please our Lord and Savior, correct?  Well, as we get to know God better, we see HE knew we would have an enemy trying to dissimulate all our roles in this life and He didn't leave us helpless.  Let's take a look at the very first pieces of armor we should put on.  Every. Single. Day.

1. Truth

Mom and I have spent ample time in this blog to push us to read the Truth, seek the Truth and dwell in the Truth.  And once again, I will reiterate the importance of this part of the armor.  The very first piece we are to don before we face the day: Truth.  I read half a dozen different opinions about this subject and some vary, but all agree that this part of the armor is what holds all the rest together.  We must make sure we are reading the right Bible, listening to the right type of preaching and applying real Truth to our lives.  Otherwise, you and I are missing a defense in a vital area.  The enemy is subtle.  He doesn't always come in with guns a blazing.  He sneaks up with something alluring and he will contrast it with some other Christian we know who has failed and cast an ugly shadow on the Gospel (Truth).  We can be off down the wrong road before we know it because that is how the wiles of the devil can deceive us.  Facebook quotes are pretty, but a lot of them are laced with the devil's lies.  Be careful what you fall for and apply to your thinking!

Ask yourself:

Am I really reading God's Word?
Am I asking the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts or am I being swayed by what others think?
Am I listening to God more than I am listening to the world?

These questions make the hair on my arms stand up because I fear we are too easily led astray by the false ideas in television, social media and yes, music.  Must we be like every other generation and drop the ball as ladies?  Must we deny God's power in our homes just because we are afraid of what the general public thinks?  Are we so enticed by the subtle whispers of Satan that Truth becomes white noise in the background?

Gird yourself with Truth.  God's Truth.  If something doesn't agree with God's Word be sure to remove it from your life.  Begin putting on the armor, start with Truth.

2.  Righteousness

That word scares away a lot of people because they think it means becoming holier than thou.  But they are mistaking Righteousness with self righteousness.  Two completely different things.  The late John Phillips said, "The genius of the gospel is that God does not ask us to IMITATE His righteousness, for no human being could possibly do that.  Instead God gives us HIS righteous nature by means of regeneration."  He reproduces Christ's righteousness in us!  That is what we are supposed to be showing to others, not our "filthy rags" but the pure, holy righteousness of Jesus Christ!

The girdle of Truth protects us from lies, and the breastplate of righteousness protects our heart;  something we are too keep with all diligence.  The devil wants to break our heart into so many pieces that we spend the rest of our lives trying to heal it instead of letting God protect it. 

Ask yourself:

What am I portraying to the world? 

Are we showing God, God's grace, God's power, God's Truth to others?  Or are we laying bare our weak selves in disputes, anger and sadness?  Do we speak from our flesh more often than we speak in the Spirit?  Probably so.  I wish it wasn't true about myself, but I am afraid I forget the breastplate of righteousness quite often, and Satan attacks my heart.  I am the fool who lets him do it if I don't put this piece of the armor on daily. 

How do I put on the breastplate?  Confessing my sins, being humble and letting the Holy Spirit fill me so I can live and walk IN HIM.  That is being strong in the power of His might.  Not self righteousness but totally covered and protected in HIS.  That only happens when I put my desires, passions and self aside and reside only in HIM. 

Truth and Righteousness.  Think about it today.  Ask God to help you see where you need to make changes.  He wants us prepared for the battle, not overcome by it.

Until next time, Lord willing,

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